Gas Pipeline Threatens Park – Your Action Requested!

View of Mission Trails from East Fortuna Staging AreaUPDATE:  On May 2, 2018, the CPUC Administrative Law Judge Colette Kersten recommended a denial of the gas pipeline, stating it was not needed. The Commissioners voted to reject the pipeline on June 21, 2018. Well done, SMT activists – that means you!

KEY ACTION ITEM:  Save Mission Trails opposes the Spring Canyon Firebreak and Rainbow to Santee Non-Miramar alternative pipeline routes. SMT supports CPUC ALJ Kersten’s draft decision to reject the project based on SDG&E’s failure to demonstrate sufficient need. The cost to ratepayers would be $639 million!
Email BEFORE June 21. 

The #1 action is to send an email or letter TODAY – well before June 21.
You may use the sample letter at the bottom of this post (copy and paste) or (better) craft your own letter. Add your name and city to the letter.

EMAIL your letter to the Commissioner President Michael Picker at and to the CPUC at
(For snail mail, use the address on the sample letter below.)
Additionally, you may email/mail the other four commissioners individually:
Commissioner Carla Peterman:
Commissioner Liane Randolph:
Commissioner Martha Guzman Aceves:
Commissioner Cliff Rechtschaffen:

DETAILS:  A 36″ high pressure natural gas “transmission line” is being built from Rainbow to Mission Valley to replace the 70 year-old pipeline currently in use. Unfortunately, Colonel Woodworth, the Miramar CO, wants the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and SDG&E to consider alternative routes that avoid Miramar completely. The two alternative routes would impact MTRP, the Goodan Ranch, and the City of Santee.

SDG&E would like the pipeline to pass through Miramar providing the cheapest and most direct route for this infrastructural upgrade project. However, without action by the affected communities, the alternatives could become reality.

The two alternative routes proposed by SDG&E pass through MTRP and the City of Santee. The first alternative route travels from Poway through the MTRP West Sycamore Area, the Goodan Ranch, the Fanita Ranch property, under Fanita Parkway, turning west under Carlton Oaks Blvd, and terminating at the Rumson Rd Natural Gas Pipeline access point. The second alternative route travels from Poway through East Elliott, down MTRP’s Spring Canyon, through the East Mission Trails Staging Area, under the SR-52/Mast intersection, under the West Hills Pkwy/Mast intersection terminating at the Rumson Rd Natural Gas access point.

Both of these alternatives are unacceptable! SMT will oppose this project through the grassroots methods which we employed to stop the Quail Brush Power Plant! That means YOU taking action NOW. If this Transmission Pipeline is placed in Santee and MTRP, we have strong concerns that another Power Plant proposal will follow.

MORE INFO:  View the CPUC’s PSRP website or SDG&E’s pipeline project website.
Project Name: Pipeline Safety and Reliability Project – New Natural Gas Line 3602 -Proceeding A1509013

THANK YOU very much for your concern, attention, and ACTION!
~SMT Volunteers

Copy and paste the letter below or write your own comments.

President Michael Picker
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102

RE: Pipeline Safety and Reliability Project (Application No. A.15-09-013)

I support ALJ Commissioner Kersten’s recommendation to reject the proposed gas pipeline (Line 3602) as not needed. Kersten states, “Applicants have not shown why it is necessary to build a very costly pipeline to substantially increase gas pipeline capacity in an era of declining demand and at a time when the state of California is moving away from fossil fuels.”

Furthermore, I oppose both alternative routes of this project. Alternative routes through Mission Trails Regional Park and surrounding park expansion areas are not acceptable.

The first proposed alternative would disrupt the use of and degrade Mission Trails Regional Park’s West Sycamore Area including parts of the new Stowe Trail, as well as the Goodan Ranch, and Fanita Ranch. These preserved areas and parklands are used by hundreds of visitors daily. Maintaining the integrity of the preservation of these natural lands is imperative for existing wildlife, flora, and habitat.

The second proposed alternative is equally unacceptable and would degrade Mission Trails’s Spring Canyon and East Fortuna Staging Area, and also East Elliott, part of MTRP’s larger ecosystem. The park and its surrounding expansion area must be protected. A new gas pipeline does not belong in these natural habitats which are used recreationally by park visitors.

Please drop or oppose these alternative routes. Please vote no on Pipeline 3602.
Thank you.


