Victory! Denial of the gas pipeline

Spring Canyon on a Cloudy Day

Victory for Mission Trails Regional Park and surrounding neighborhoods! The CPUC  voted to reject the gas pipeline on June 21, 2018.

The CPUC affirmed the need does not exist. Renewable generation is reducing the role of gas power plants. This historic decision clears the way for a brighter future. We applaud the CPUC for this decision.

The misguided project would have burdened local customers with higher energy bills. Instead, California is moving towards clean energy alternatives.

“This $2 billion pipeline would have been built on the backs of San Diego families who would have paid for it until 2063,” said Matt Vespa, staff attorney at Earthjustice.

Our neighborhoods are safer, our Southern California Gas Company and SDGE bills will be lower, and our park remains protected. A huge thank you to all the volunteers that made this a reality. Well done, SMT activists – that means you! And a huge thank you to the organizations, including Earthjustice, Preserve Wild Santee, SanDiego350, and Sierra Club, among others, that helped defeat this boondoggle.