SMT Upcoming Events – Join us!

It’s spring! And that means EarthFair in Balboa Park and Explore MTRP Day in east Mission Trails. Stop by our booths and say hello to Save Mission Trails volunteers!

EarthFair in Balboa Park
Sunday, April 17, 10 am to 5 pm
Kick off the day with the Children’s Earth Parade at 10:30 am – about 30 minutes long. Hang out by our booth for a great view! Or…have kids? Dress them as their favorite animal and join our contingent!
At the SMT booth (space #235 at El Prado East near the Natural History Museum), children can create a cool nature craft, and grown ups can view a map to find out about all the slated development encroaching Mission Trails — and what can be done to preserve our park, community, and the adjacent East Elliott area.
If you’d like to volunteer to help out at the SMT booth, please contact us right away at
Here is the EarthFair website with details, including public transportation and parking.

Explore Mission Trails Day
Saturday, May 21, 9 am to 2 pm
Look for the SMT booth in the East Fortuna Staging Area (formerly known as the Equestrian Area), which can be accessed from Mast Blvd at West Hills Pkwy.
Children can create a cool nature craft, and grown ups can view a map to find out about all the slated development encroaching Mission Trails — and what can be done to preserve our park, community, and the adjacent East Elliott area. Also, there will be free pony rides (until 12:30), a mini mountain bike track, a climbing wall, live animals, and other crafts and fun for children. Family events will take place throughout the park.
If you’d like to volunteer to help out at the SMT booth, please contact us at
Here is the MTRP website with event details, including a schedule, map, and parking.

What’s Going On Behind Closed Doors? What Can I Do?

What’s Going on Behind Closed Doors regarding power plants at Mission Trails/Santee and in Chula Vista? Turko Video The CPUC, CEC, Cogentrix, SDGE, CleanTech, and other industry and corporate stakeholders (excluding the public and the press) will meet in San Diego one day before the CPUC votes on whether the power plants are actually needed, four months after the CPUC correctly rejected these fossil fuel-burning plants as not needed.
Click above for what Turko says on 3/6/13 about this secret meeting.
UPDATE: Turko File Follow-Up 3/11/13 says a lawsuit has been filed to stop the meeting.

What You Can Do Now to Prevent new unneeded Fossil Fuel-burning Plants in our region, including grading hills for an 11-stack monster adjacent to majestic Mission Trails park and open space area. Want to stop a massive waste of taxpayer dollars?

We need a huge show of force–yes, again!–to tell the CPUC to uphold the November draft decision which rejects these power plants. Take off work to attend, if you can.
PRE-MEETING RALLY: 8:00 AM at the site – Public Comment sign-in 8:30 AM
LOCATION: 5520 Overland Avenue, San Diego, 92123 — County Operations Center’s Conference Center (Campus Center) in Kearny Mesa. Check this website for any changes before you go.
BE COUNTED! We encourage EVERYONE to speak (1 minute or less), or at least submit a written comment on a speaker slip. Arrive by 8:30 AM to sign in.
SIMPLY STATE: “I support the CPUC’s A.L.J. and alternate draft decisions”
(at a minimum) and your name.

2. If you can’t attend, you still have a voice. Email and/or phone the CPUC today and ask two friends to do the same.

3. Over 600 letters opposing Cogentrix’s Quail Brush are on the CA Energy Commission (CEC)’s public docket. Let’s make it 1,000! Read some of the letters and send yours — or commit two friends to do so — today. Easy instructions on the Email Activism Page No. (2). PLEASE NOTE: The CEC will reject, approve, or withdraw the Mission Trails/Santee power plant application this spring, regardless of the CPUC vote. Don’t let the CEC and Cogentrix grade our beautiful park hills and pollute our air.

4. Ask Governor Brown to speak on behalf of the public interest and to relieve the pressure on the CPUC to rewrite their decision in favor of SDG&E/Cogentrix allowing another ratepayer rip-off.

5. Have fun at a SMT volunteer community outreach event! Join an early-morning hike up Cowles Mountain and/or petition-signing at the trailhead on March 16. Details on the Meetings Page.

6. “Like” and share our Facebook page and tweet us!

FAST FACTS: Peak electricity demand has been stable in San Diego and statewide since 1999. Generation capacity of gas-fired plants is in excess of 30% now. The Los Angeles basin will add 2,000 MW of gas-fired power plants this summer that will further balloon generation capacity. And yet another 2,000 MW are slated for construction elsewhere in California.

SDG&E has ample power generation without San Onofre. The required reserves is 15 to 17%. On the hottest hour of the year on Sept. 14, 2012, SDG&E still had reserves of about 24% without San Onofre.

BOTTOM LINE: The public would be saddled with at least $1.2 billion in construction and finance costs for just Pio Pico and Quail Brush in exchange for only 23 permanent jobs in our region. Claims by SDG&E that peak demand is rising and new peaker plants are needed for the hottest days are false.

We are steadfast in fighting the good fight. Thank you for all your hard work!

Give ’em a piece of your mind! Imminent CPUC Vote 2/28 and Upcoming CEC Forum 3/5

Mission Trails and proposed power plant site
Proposed site for fossil fuel plant? NO. Keep it green and the air clean.

UPDATE 2/28/13: CPUC President Peevey announced at the start of the meeting
that there will be no vote today. The meeting (and vote) will be held March 21
in San Diego.

UPDATE #2: CEC WORKSHOP 3/5/13 CANCELLED. CEC Reason – “They obtained the Cogentrix air pollution information they needed.”

REMINDER! CPUC VOTES on QUAIL BRUSH Thursday, March 21, 9:00 AM.
TO LISTEN IN, phone 1-800-857-1917 and enter passcode 92105 or access the CPUC online. The meeting starts at 9:00am; download the agenda.  IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY, CALL OR EMAIL the CPUC TODAY (or Monday.)  What to say:  “My name is ________, and I support Administrative Law Judge Yacknin and Commissioner Ferron’s decisions on SDG&E application A110-5023. Our region has the power it needs without building more fossil fuel plants, especially a power plant at Mission Trails Regional Park.” (More talking points below.)

Three of these five CA Public Utilities Commissioners’ “yay” votes are needed to support the proposed decision, which will reject SDG&E’s power purchase agreement for Pio Pico and Quail Brush.
PHONE before the March 21 vote. 

— Michael Peevey, President, 415-703-3703
— Catherine Sandoval, Commissioner, 415-703-3700
If you have time to make just one call or email, contact Ms. Sandoval. She is currently undecided. 
— Carla Peterman, Commissioner, 415-703-1407 (Conflict of interest? She declined to recuse herself from the CPUC vote even though she previously voted in favor of Chula Vista’s Pio Pico via her former position with the CEC. Ms. Peterman is currently undecided.)
— Michel Peter Florio, Commissioner, 415-703-2440
— Mark Ferron, Commissioner, 415-703-2444
EMAIL your comments to
Type in the SUBJECT LINE: A1105023 – Support the Proposed Decision.
Be sure to INCLUDE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP to be counted.
Use your own words or copy the Talking Points from the Sierra Club’s Fact Check or Save Mission Trails Sample Letter (scroll to mid-page).

5  at Grossmont College
Attend, Speak Out, and Submit Your Written Comment for the Record.
The CA Energy Commission Public Advisor will collect written statements at the workshop. If you can’t stay, please stop by to complete a written opposition statement. Verbal questions and comments are important, too.
WKSP CANCELLED When? Tuesday, March 5, starting at 1:30 PM (okay to come later, even after work – come when you can to fill out a written comment of opposition to the CEC)
Where? Griffin Gate Room at Grossmont College Directions and free parking permit p4-5
What? The specific workshop topic is Air Pollution, but you may comment in general on the proposed fossil fuel plant, as well.
Why??? Cogentrix does NOT want to see you there. They want us to forget about Quail Brush and go away. Their plan is to wear us out — Let’s prove them wrong. We WON’T give up. We have a beautiful park, our homes, our community, and our health to protect. Show up in orange and take a stand once again! No to Quail Brush forever!
If you cannot attend, please add your comment via the Online/Phone Instructions p2.

Orange Overpowers Opposition! Next Up: CPUC Vote Feb. 28

CPUC Rally


AT THE FEB. 1 CPUC PUBLIC FORUM, over one hundred citizens voiced their opposition to Quail Brush and their support for the CPUC’s draft decision denying SDG&E a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for three fossil fuel plants. Orange overpowered the opposition and clearly stated the lack of necessity for these new polluting plants in the San Diego area. Check out the Highlights — videos, news articles, quotes, and photos below.

Sea of orange T-shirt wearers

“I support the Administrative Law Judge’s decision and Commissioner Ferron’s decision on SDG&E application A110-5023.”
Phone before the Wed. Feb. 28 vote:
Michael Peevey, President, 415-703-3703
Catherine Sandoval, Commissioner, 415-703-3700
Michel Peter Florio, Commissioner, 415-703-2440
Mark Ferron, Commissioner, 415-703-2444
Carla Peterman, Commissioner, 415-703-1407
and/or Email
Include in the Subject Line: A1105023 – Support the Proposed Decision. Be sure to INCLUDE YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, ZIP to be counted.
Feel free to copy and use Talking Points from the Sierra Club’s Fact Check: SDG&E’s Billion Dollar Power Plant Scheme or Save Mission Trails sample letter (scroll to mid-page).

NEXT UP:  CPUC MTG/VOTE – WED, FEB. 28, 9:00 AM – San Francisco
Again on the agenda is the vote on the CPUC’s proposed decision to deny SDG&E power purchasing agreements for Quail Brush and two other gas plants. Click link for directions to listen in or watch the live video.  Here is the agenda: see page 25, Item 24, A1105023. Prepare now to watch the video by trying to watch an archived video. You needRealPlayer installed to watch CPUC videos. You can download RealPlayer for free here.

Save Mission Trails applauds the elected officials who showed up and spoke up against Quail Brush (Mission Trails/Santee) and Pio Pico (Chula Vista) gas plants:

Dave Roberts speaks at Forum
SD County Supervisor Dave Roberts

– San Diego County Supervisor Dave Roberts
– Santee Councilmember
Jack Dale
– Former state assemblymember (and current Sierra Club San Diego Chair) Lori Saldaña,
and SMT thanks these organizations which helped organize and/or added their strong voices:
Environmental Health Coalition (wearing blue), Preserve Wild Santee, Sierra Club, and the Coalition to Decommission San Onofre.

YouTube Video: Fox, Ch.8, Ch.10
CBS Ch.8
East County Magazine
San Diego Union-Tribune
Santee Patch

“San Diego already has the highest electricity rates in the country: $190 per 100 kilowatt hours. We want to be known as the clean energy capital instead.”

“Peaker plants would not have helped us when the grid was down in 2011.”

“San Diegans should not be punished for conserving energy.”

“California is known for innovation. San Diego is known for sun. The time is now.”

CPUC Representative Denise Tyrrell, taking notes,  listens to nearly 60 speakers opposed to the power plants. Only one in favor of Quail Brush.
CPUC Representative Denise Tyrrell, taking notes, listens to nearly 60 speakers opposed to the power plants. Only one spoke in favor of Quail Brush.

“Quail Brush and Pio Pico were quietly going through the CEC permitting process BEFORE the CPUC even determined a need.”

“San Diego has 7,000 megawatts of potential energy from rooftop and parking lot solar.”

“Where’s my Power Purchase Agreement for solar generation?”

“A policy change could change civilization. What we are leaving for our children?”

“The corporatocracy is short-sidedly pursuing profits while you and I pay the costs: decreased jobs by 10 solar to 1 peaker plant, and increased health problems, utility rates, and global warming gases.”

“Where is SDG&E tonight? Why was the decision delayed? Do they have another game going on that they don’t need to be here?”

and, the favorite, “I’m not against peaker plants. I just put a twenty-two-panel peaker plant on my roof!

You can add your own comments here and check back after Feb. 28 for updates!

We Need an Army to show up Friday evening, Feb. 1, at the CPUC Public Forum!

What happened at the CPUC meeting? If you asked that question, then you are concerned about your community or park. Everyone who cares about this issue and wants to stop the Quail Brush power plant by Mission Trails Regional Park must show up at the CPUC Public Forum on Friday, February 1, 6PM,  Al Bahr Shrine Center, 5440 Kearny Mesa Rd, San Diego – click here for Google map.  Rally at 5:15 PM in the Al Bahr Parking Lot. See additional image for directions and map below.  Save the Date, Save the Park. 

Okay! But what happened at the meeting? The vote was delayed AGAIN. Why? Cogentrix and SDGE successfully lobbied the CPUC to delay the vote a third time for two more weeks. They requested the CPUC take a “wait and see” approach rather than reject the gas plant. Meanwhile, the CPUC agreed to hold a Public Forum in San Diego led by their top SoCal staff person.

Public MeetingSDGE will no doubt roll out their allies. For example, if SDGE treats this like the CPUC public meetings on wildfire expenses last year, we can expect to see recipients of their philanthropy that have nothing to do with this issue. So wear orange and let’s unite once again! Stop the polluting fossil fuel plant near our homes and MTRP!

This location is confirmed! AL Bahr Phone: (858) 292-0092

Turn into the driveway on either side of the Hampton Inn. The Al Bahr Center is behind the inn
Turn into the driveway on either side of the Hampton Inn. The Al Bahr Center is behind the inn

CPUC Decision Postponed to January 10 – Have you sent your letter yet?

The California Public Utitlies Commission (CPUC) vote on the SDG&E application for Quail Brush and two other gas plants in San Diego County has been rescheduled to January 10. This gives us time to get more Letters to the CPUC supporting their proposed decision rejecting these fossil fuel plants as not needed!

Have you emailed the CPUC? The more people who voice support of the CPUC draft decision, the better. You can count on Cogentrix and the other corporate lobbyists to be pushing for their profits. The Sierra Club will forward your voice! OR should you prefer to speak via Save Mission Trails, here is our letter and instructions.

Additionally, we are pleased to report that newly-elected State Senator Marty Block and San Diego Councilmember Scott Sherman have written letters to the CPUC in support of the draft ruling, which rejects the SDG&E power purchase agreement for these plants. Click to read Sherman’s letter.

Thank you all, for caring about the future of San Diego and our lovely Mission Trails Regional Park!

Keep the Pressure On! “Attend” from home this week and next…

Keep the Pressure On the CEC and CoGentrix and continue your dedication to stopping the Quail Brush power plant. While you’re at work or home, here are two events you can easily “attend” by calling in on your phone (put your phone on mute) or via online on Dec. 4 and 10. Easy steps are below. Listen in and be counted (and/or participate if you wish) to these California Energy Commission (CEC) meetings about Quail Brush. Click for detailed agendas and instructions (p. 1-3 for agendas, and p. 7 for instructions), but here is all you really need to know:

1) TUESDAY, December 4, 2012 – Beginning at 3:00 PM  This is primarily a closed meeting, but it opens with a brief public comment portion. The CEC invites the public and interested agencies to listen in and participate.

Call 1-866-469-3239 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada) and when prompted enter the meeting number for the specific date: 12/4/12 – meeting number: 923 152 206
Go to and enter the meeting number 923 152 206 When prompted, enter your information and the meeting password: pwd#1516
If you have a phone number with a direct line (not extension): After you login, a prompt will appear on-screen for you to provide your phone no. In the Number box, type your area code and phone no. and click OK. You will receive a call back on your phone for the audio of the meeting. If you have a phone number with an extension: After you login, a prompt will ask for your phone no. Click “CANCEL.” Instead, call 1-866-469-3239 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada). When prompted, enter the meeting number above and your unique Attendee ID number which is listed in the top left area of your screen after you login.

2) MONDAY, December 10, 2012 – Beginning at 10:30 AM
Same instructions as above, different meeting number:  927 041 698 (password same as above, pwd#1516)
This is a Status Conference with the following Agenda:
1. Call to Order
2. Reports from Applicant, Staff and Intervenors regarding the status of the Quail Brush Generation Project AFC.
3. Public Comment
Members of the public and other interested persons and entities may speak up to three minutes on a matter appearing on this agenda.
4. Closed Session (if necessary) Committee closed session consideration of the following Item: Deliberation by the Committee on any matters submitted for decision by the Committee including, but not limited to pending motions and scheduling.
5. Adjourn

If you have difficulty joining the meetings, please call the WebEx Technical Support number at 1-866-229-3239. To see if your computer is compatible, visit
Please be aware that the meeting’s WebEx audio and on-screen activity may be recorded.