Email Activism

Check here regularly for actions to take on future threats to our park and communities.

UPDATE! The CPUC rejected the $639 million SDG&E pipeline project as NOT NECESSARY. Thank you!


Send an email or letter to the CPUC to state your opposition to the alternate routes of a gas pipeline (Line 3602) which would go through Mission Trails Regional Park, East Elliott, and the Goodan Ranch.

You may use the letter below (copy and paste) or (better) craft your own letter.
***Be sure to add your name and city to the bottom of the drafted letter below before sending.
EMAIL your comments/letter to and
SUBJECT: Pipeline 3602 Project Proceeding A1509013

Robert Peterson
California Public Utilities Commission
RE: Pipeline Safety and Reliability Project
c/o Ecology and Environment, Inc. 
505 Sansome Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94111

RE: Pipeline Safety and Reliability Project – New Natural Gas Line 3602 (Application No. A.15-09-013)

I oppose both alternative routes of the proposed gas pipeline (Line 3602). Alternative routes through Mission Trails Regional Park and surrounding park expansion areas are not acceptable.

The first proposed alternative would disrupt and degrade Mission Trails Regional Park’s West Sycamore Area including parts of the new Stowe Trail, the Goodan Ranch, and Fanita Ranch. These preserved areas and parklands are used by hundreds or even thousands of visitors daily. Maintaining the integrity of the preservation of these natural lands is imperative for existing wildlife, flora, and habitat.

The second proposed alternative is equally unacceptable and would degrade Mission Trails’s Spring Canyon and East Fortuna Staging Area and East Elliott, part of MTRP’s larger ecosystem. The park and its surrounding expansion area must be protected.

Please drop or oppose these alternative routes. Thank you.



UPDATE! Designation of Scenic Highway Status for SR 52 through MTRP obtained in May 2016. Thank you!

PRIORITY ACTION: Secure Scenic Highway Designation for State Route 52

Please email a letter to support and encourage Caltrans to complete the Scenic Highway Designation process for SR-52 between Santo Road and Mast Boulevard through Mission Trails Park (Background and Why This is Important below).

Copy and paste the sample letter below in your email / Personalize (optional) / Include your name after Sincerely / and Send to the 4 emails and cc the 5 below:
Malcolm Dougherty, Caltrans Director
Laurie Berman, District 11 Director
Lara Justine, Statewide Coordinator
Stephen Alvarez, District 11 Coordinator
Dear Caltrans Director Dougherty, Director Berman, Coordinator Justine & Coordinator Alvarez,
Please grant San Diego and Santee’s request for scenic highway designation for SR-52. The views in and adjacent to Mission Trails Park are irreplaceable, distinctive and beautiful. The views are of great value to our region and the state. As Councilmember Scott Sherman has stated, “A Scenic Highway designation for SR-52 from Mast Boulevard to Santo Road will bring recognition to the area adjacent to the park for its scenic views as residents and visitors drive from San Diego’s coast to its mountains. The designation may also assist in preserving the natural beauty of the area.”
The designation is long overdue as the original unanimous resolution was adopted in 1995, unanimously supported by Santee in 2013 and all Caltrans required documents have been completed and submitted for consideration. Please act swiftly to grant state scenic highway designation for SR-52.


SD Mayor Kevin Faulconer <>
Santee Mayor Randy Voepel  <>
D7 Councilmember Scott Sherman <>
SANDAG Chair Jack Dale  <>
The San Diego City Council passed a unanimous resolution directing city staff to “take all necessary steps to secure scenic highway designation for State Route 52.” The Santee City Council unanimously supported the directive in 2013. Since 2012, Preserve Wild Santee has facilitated the designation process with Caltrans, San Diego, and Santee to make sure the required Proposal, Visual Assessment and Corridor Protection Plan were completed. All Caltrans required documents have been submitted. However, Caltrans has not made a decision. Your voice of support may allow Caltrans to focus on the importance of getting this overdue project done by granting the scenic highway designation.
Why is this important?

The designation has gained bipartisan support because of the value that we all place on the scenic resources of Mission Trails Park. In the words of Councilmember Sherman, “A Scenic Highway designation for SR-52 from Mast Boulevard to Santo Road will bring recognition to the area adjacent to the park for its scenic views…[and] may also assist in preserving the natural beauty of the area.”

While the Scenic Highway designation cannot stop development, if another Quail Brush Power Plant proposal was ever considered by the California Energy Commission, Commissioners would at least have to consider that the scenic values of the route are great enough to have received state recognition. The designation might be the persuasive factor that prevents the CEC from overriding San Diego and Santee’s local land use decisions about proposals to rezone open space parcels for power plants. Or the designation may be enough to discourage those inappropriate applications at all. In this case, your simple act to support the designation may save the public and project applicants from future pain and expense. _____________________________________________________________

UPDATE!  Cogentrix withdrew Quail Brush power plant application in September 2014. Thank you!


After the March 21, 2013, CPUC vote to temporarily disallow SDG&E to purchase power from Quail Brush (QB), all eyes are on the CA Energy Commission (CEC)’s looming decision to approve or deny this power plant FOR GOOD. The CEC can override the local San Diego City Council/Planning Commission votes which rejected QB in 2012. While the applicant Cogentrix deliberates its next move and the CEC reviews the project, the opposition to QB keeps building. Please email the CEC TODAY with these easy steps. Don’t delay!

  • Email: and “cc” local, state, and federal officials (scroll down for info) or submit your e-comment via this CEC form.
  • Subject Line / Reference:  “CEC record‐Docket #11‐AFC‐03 Quail Brush Power Generation Siting Case.”
  • Include your name, date, city, and zip code (Full address not required – *see privacy info below)
  • Request that CEC stop the project for good by choosing the “No Project Alternative,” to uphold the City of San Diego LORS (zoning rules), and to reject a fossil fuel power plant in a high fire-hazard zone, near residences, schools, and beautiful Mission Trails Park. Feel free to use this Sample Letter.
    Even Better:  Write and send your own message – even just a few sentences.
  • Multiple emails are effective – email the CEC regularly!
    Whenever you have additional comments/questions, send more emails promptly.
  • *Privacy Note:  The CEC posts public comments on its website.  If you do not wish your personal contact information, such as your address, email, etc. to be available on the CEC website, you can email your letter to the CEC as an attachment without your contact information. In your email text, state “See attachment for public docket.” Generally, e-comments submitted via CEC’s e-filing do not show your email, only your name.
  • Click here to keep up-to-date and make sure your letter is posted. Sign up on the CEC List Server (lower right corner).
FEDERAL, STATE, & LOCAL OFFICIALS. For greatest impact, “cc” all on every email. Copy/Paste entire list to “cc”:


On July 19, 2012, the San Diego Planning Commission voted down (4-1) the Community Plan Amendment Initiative to rezone the proposed power plant  site from open space to industrial. On September 24, 2012, the San Diego City Council unanimously (8-0) voted to deny an appeal by CoGentrix to initiatie the re-zoning. On March 21, the CA Public Utilities Commission voted to temporarily deny a power purchase agreement (PPA) for Quail Brush. Great victories! But the fight continues until this project is rejected FOR GOOD! 

Here’s what you can do to help:
Write a letter or email to San Diego City Councilmembers
a) Thank the councilmembers for their support and
b) Request their continued opposition to the California Energy Commission’s interest in placing a fossil fuel power plant on East Elliott open space at Mission Trails Park.
c) Encourage the councilmembers to make all of East Elliott “Dedicated” Open Space, a category with higher protection than “Designated” Open Space.

Sample text for letter to SD City Council:
RE: East Elliott and Quail Brush – PROJECT NO. 2011-04 Thank you and a Request

Thank you for your vote to deny the Community Plan Amendment #2011-04. However, the California Energy Commission can still override the zoning regulations to build an industrial fossil fuel power plant in this open space area that is designated to be protected. Please continue to fight the Quail Brush Generation Project on open space, as it conflicts with the following: the East Elliott Community Plan, the General Plan, the Municipal Code, and the Mission Trails Regional Park Design Plan. Please push quickly to DEDICATE the East Elliott land as open space so it is protected forever. San Diego citizens deserve to keep our park the beautiful refuge that it is now.

Let’s move toward progressive energy solutions for San Diego, including rooftop solar, energy storage, energy efficiency, and community choice aggregation (CCA). Solar panels on rooftops in sunshine-rich San Diego is an obvious alternative. No way for natural gas fossil fuel plant at our beloved park’s edge and future expansion area!